Cudham Church of England Primary School

Religious Education and Worldviews

At Cudham school religious education is valued as being a safe space for our children to explore what it means to be part of our world. Whilst the study of Christianity is at the heart of the curriculum, there are opportunities to explore other faith traditions and other world's views.

We live in a diverse society, knowledge and understanding enables pupils to develop respect for others and helps to challenge prejudice. big questions and critical thinking are an integral part of religious Education and pupils are allowed to ask their questions, enabling them to build their own sense of identity and self-worth. They can work out their own set of values and beliefs.

Our Christian ethos reflects a fundamental belief that the world is a place of beauty and awe. In religious education lessons and beyond, we aim to help our children experience that and learn how to contribute to it.

We are following the recommended Scheme of Work provided by the Diocese of Rochester.

RE Knowledge and Skills Whole-School Progression Map

RE Long Term Plan